Zing does not offer credit, so we don’t report account balances to credit reference agencies. It is unlikely that your normal use of your Zing account would directly affect your credit scores.
Some of our checks may include a referral to credit reference agencies, but we don’t leave a soft or hard footprint on member credit files. Also, there are circumstances where we would report fraud or other risks to fraud prevention agencies, who may then share it with credit reference agencies or other trusted parties (like other financial services institutions). Again, if you’re using your Zing account normally, this is unlikely to affect you.
You may know that there are several credit reference agencies, and some lenders calculate their own credit scores. These can be based on lots of different types of information. You can get information about what impacts your credit scores by asking the particular lender you are interested in borrowing from.
You can find more information on the page headed “Consequences of processing” in section 3.5 of our Privacy Notice.