You will be able to withdraw your money using the Zing app and your card until your account is closed on 22 May 2025. You can do this by sending, spending or withdrawing your money in the normal ways including:
- Sending money from your GBP wallet to your UK bank account
- Sending an international payment from your GBP wallet to any supported currencies
- Sending an international payment from any of your wallets to another account in the same currency
- Via an ATM withdrawal (limits apply)
- Making a card transaction using your Zing Card
We recommend that you take steps to transfer money out of your account as soon as possible.
Please note: If you have enabled our auto-top up feature please ensure you have disabled this before you withdraw your money. You can learn more in the following article.
What are my withdrawal limits?
You can find more about our payment, card transaction and withdrawal limits here.
Will I be charged a fee to spend, send or withdraw my money?
You’ll have seen recently that we extended our £500 fee free offer for currency exchanges until the end of April. The offer expires at 09:00 BST on 30 April 2025. (see full terms and conditions here)
In addition, you will not be charged for converting other currencies held in your Zing wallets back to GBP.
When you send your money internationally you may be subject to intermediary bank fees, you can learn more about these in the following article, How do SWIFT fees work and who pays them?
If you believe that you have been unfairly charged to remove money from your account in line with our notice to close Zing, please contact our ZingCare team through in-app messaging.
You can learn more about our fees here.