If you don’t recognise a payment on your account, please take these steps to protect your account and investigate:
Freeze your card
Follow these steps to freeze your card as soon as possible.
Check the details of the payment
Sometimes a retailer’s name will appear slightly differently on your statement so it’s important to check the location and the date and time of the payment.
Check if the payment is related to a subscription
If you’ve signed up for any subscription services, check to see if the free trial period has ended and/or the details of your recurring card payment. Contact the retailer to confirm the details or cancel the subscription directly with them to avoid any further charges.
If you still don’t recognise the payment
If any of the details are incorrect, please contact the merchant and request a refund. If the merchant is not helping you, get in touch via our in-app messaging service. You'll be asked for the following information:
- A short summary of the transaction, why you don’t recognise it and how it may have occurred
- Date and time
- Amount
- Name of merchant
- Evidence of communication (e.g. screenshots of emails, support chat conversations in full)